Here is a hodge-podge of pics from mid April to just this last weekend...
We participated in the C.A.R.E. run on Sat. to help bring awareness to Organ and Tissue Donation. There was a nice photo of Gabe Koenigsfeld along with several other Organ ad Tissue donors. There were probably 25 other family members and friends also at the run/walk to help raise money.
Post race gals all fared pretty well with Mom and I placing and Jamie just missed placing by 2 seconds which isn't too bad when you're carrying a future runner :). Jamie is due early November...we are all very excited for her and Mark!
Post race pic after the Clear Lake Earth Day Aunt Julie's 1st 5k race and my Mom's 50th race!
May Day Baskets for Adrian's friends!!!
Earth Day Valley Junction 5K...this is Grandma blazing in and Adrian and I are trying to keep up to cheer.
As I finish strong you can see Mitch and Adrian hanging close to the candy shop...made for a good snack after finishing.
Adrian takes part in soccer with her friend Gracin on Friday nights...they look pretty guilty with their cheesy smiles. We still have a few more weeks of the camp so I should get some more candid pics.