Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 39

Doctor's Appointment Update:

I had my appt. this morning, which the doctor stated that I was measuring a little small, so he ordered an ultrasound. This was to check the level of amniotic fluid, to make sure it wasn't too low. At the ultrasound the technician confirmed that the level of fluid was just fine, the baby is measuring healthy, but small. The estimated weight is 6lbs. 13 oz. which is in the 27th percentile. If I don't have the baby before my due date on Tues. the 21st I have scheduled another ultrasound, stress test for the baby, and then my regular appt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have missed you and are thinking about you a lot! We hope all is well as you prepare for a bundle of joy. Today is the day! Any day now you will be a mom, that is way exciting. Can't wait to meet your daughter!
Take care, Lana