Monday, February 1, 2010

Splish Splash

Well, yesterday we got the chance to forget about the depressing Iowa weather for a day! The Noel's and the Eichmeier's stayed at the new Ramada Indoor Water Park. This was our first experience of spending the night at a hotel with Adrian. If you saw what I had packed you would of thought we were staying the week. Adrian loved seeing a new place, exploring and running the the hallways.

I had to try out her sun hat with her suit, just because it is so cute even though we obviously didn't have to worry about the UVs indoors.

You can tell it is in the dead of winter because mommy and daddy have not a bit of tan skin.

Amanda was a little braver then me in the water. It was colder then I was expecting it to be...not quite as warm as the Adventureland Inn pool.

The swimming area was pretty dark and the flash couldn't reach but I wanted to get a pic of the big pirate ship.

It took Adrian awhile to warm up to the idea of water. She is a people watcher, so she liked watching all of the kids and was pretty quiet.

Scott & Mitch hanging out with the babes!

For supper we tried out the restaurant in the hotel and lets just say...the Ramada makes their money from the pool not the restaurant so that is the focus, not the food!

Preston and Adrian coloring before supper.

I think we may have a problem...Adrian would not stop putting her crayons in her nose! We tried not to laugh...didn't want to encourage the behavior!! But doesn't she look cute!

I felt bad for the waitress, we left quite the mess.

"2 Little Noise Makers"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adrian got the tendency to stick things in her nose from you. If I remember correctly, you planted a garden in yours when you were three.(soybeans, watermelon seeds, and corn). Cute pictures.
Grandma R.