Friday, March 19, 2010

Playtime Videos

Adrian is enjoying being outdoors...Wed. & Thurs were gorgeous. Adrian absolutely loves being outside, which means coming back inside isn't fun. She has the biggest temper tantrums coming back inside; rolling, crying, screaming, and kicking.

I am seeing Track & Field in Adrian's future! This is just a quick video, but Adrian will sometimes do 15 laps from the living room to the kitchen in a row. I am going to work on getting video of her working out too...she will flex her arms and do calf raises. She watched me do calf raises once and next thing I know she starts doing them.


Debbi said...

She is just the cutest!

My boys do the horrible fit thing when we come inside too. I'm probably a bad mommy for saying this, but it sort of makes me happy. I want them to LOVE being outdoors!!!

Hope you are well & work is going great! Are you going to be doing any races this year? I am considering trying a 5K for the firs time.

Amanda and Scott said...

Adrian does love to run! Preston also LOVES being outside and throws a tantrum if we don't let him go out or he has to come inside. Guess we will be having lots of outside play dates this summer! That little pink jacket is so cute.

Rachel Smith said...

Super cute!! She's getting so big :) I'm glad you guys are experiencing tantrums too. We had a 30 minute meltdown last night between leaving the park and coming inside. I think he thought the world was going to end!!!