Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Great Bargains at the Turtle Hut

Yes, mommy loves shopping at consignment stores for clothes and toys. They are so much better then garage sales because you don't have to go to 15 sales to only find 2-3 good sales. The stuff is clean and cheap. I've got the Fisher Price chair and stand below for $10, Fisher Price barn and animal blocks $7, Leap Frog light-up drum $5, Columbia snow pants and jacket in perfect condition $27, and lots more.
Adrian loves her chair, it is nice and low and because there is a stand attached it doesn't tip over easy. The little lamp lights up in 4 different colors. Each page of the book turns and says what's on the page, and it is activated by her sitting in the seat.

mmm, nothing like a little H2O.

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Look and see what our little woodchuck did!!
Yes, you are looking at Adrian's beautiful cherry finished crib. Adrian decided to use her crib as a teething device!


Debbi said...

Great Finds!!!

Rachel Smith said...

I'll have to check that place out - thanks! :)

Amanda and Scott said...

I love bargains! I should go there. The place in WDM is pretty good too- Once Upon a Time maybe? We got some clothes, shoes, and that horse for Preston for a reasonable price.

Nicole Schrage said...

I know a bit of a drive but Duck Worth Wearing, on Main St. in Ames is a GREAT store! And Ava did the same thing to her crib when she was that age, I just taped a blanket around the ends, or they sell clear plastic covers at Babies R Us too!